Come to Church this Sunday!

We will be having church at Grace this Sunday!

Our plan, if weather cooperates, is to have a church service outside at 10:30 am. If weather does not cooperate, our plan is to move inside.

Our local police station has asked that we try to practice social distancing while we meet together. This seems like a reasonable request, so we should do our best to honor our local law enforcement. Please bring your lawn chairs and sit with your family unit.

I’m asking everyone to spend time in prayer before they come to church, to be gracious toward those who have a different comfort level than yourself about what is appropriate. In either case, make up your mind to love them as Christ loves you, and not look down on them (whether you think they are being too careful, or not careful enough). Our focus is to worship Jesus!

Personally, having a medically fragile daughter, I appreciate when people wear masks around me, and I will be wearing a mask as I come and go (but probably not while I preach!).

If you aren’t comfortable getting out just yet, we will continue to stream our services online, so you’re welcome to stay at home.

In any case, pray, do what you think the Lord is leading you to do, and trust that the people around you are doing the same. I look forward to seeing many of you this Sunday!

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