Grace is Good
A few years back, our church wanted to get a shorter domain name. We actually had two domain names at the time ( and, which both pointed to the same website. But both were long and not exactly easy to share. So we wanted to change that.
After doing a bit of research, we decided to get
It’s kind of a play on words, in a sense. We wanted to include the name of our church, but we also wanted to point to a theological truth at the core of what we believe. Since we are Grace Baptist Church, it might seem kind of narcissistic to call ourselves good. But that’s not really the fullness of what we’re saying with our domain name.
We’re saying that God’s grace is good.
Every Christian knows the popular phrase, “God is good.” I’ve heard some Christians lately replace this phrase with “God is great,” or even “God is greatest” or “God is the BEST.” I understand their motivation to give God the highest superlative, but it’s really not necessary.
The original phrase, “God is good,” wasn’t really about a comparison between God vs. everything else. It’s about God’s goodness. How God is always good to us, and how we can count on Him to be good to us even when we don’t understand His ways.
We mean much the same when we say “grace is good.” We mean that God’s grace is so incredibly good for us. It’s always good toward us. And we can count on His grace even when we don’t understand it.
We’re not saved by our efforts, but by God’s grace. Even before we had done anything to give God any indication that we would love or serve Him, God showed us His grace. God demonstrated His love for us in this way: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So while the wages of sin is death, the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
That, my friend, is good news.