It’s a Beautiful Day

I probably say this every winter, but this past winter I often wished I lived in Nokomis, FL rather than Nokomis, IL.

The winter didn’t start off too bad. In fact, all throughout the autumn months, there were rumors that the coming winter was going to be an especially bad one. I don’t know who started those rumors, but that’s what “they” kept saying. But when winter rolled around, it didn’t seem so bad at first. It didn’t snow much. Sure, it was a little cold, but the winds weren’t very strong, so even the low temperatures could be easily endured. It seemed like the rumors were wrong.

And then came the end of February.

The temperatures plummeted. The winds pierced through the atmosphere. All the snow that we didn’t get throughout the winter seemed to fall all at the same time. We cancelled our church services for the day, had a brief time of devotion together online, and tried to stay warm. And the snow seemed to linger in huge piles right up until the first day of spring.

But now it’s the middle of April, and it’s a beautiful day.

They say that there are always trials ahead. And they’re right. We should be prepared for them. But also remember that there are beautiful days ahead as well. We may need to endure the trials to get there, but they’ll be worth it.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 says, “This light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

It’s easy to look to the things that are seen. We see them around us all the time! We see our bills, we see our trials, we see our pains. But God invites us to look to the things that are unseen. Through His Word, and through the encouragements of His people, the church, we’re reminded that beautiful days are coming for those who trust in Jesus.

Hang in there. It’ll be worth it.

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