All are Welcome.
We mean it when we say that all are welcome.
Tragically, many people feel excluded from particular churches for one reason or another. Whether it’s because of their past, or their struggles, or something else, many hurting people don’t feel like they belong in the church.
You belong at Grace Baptist Church.
I can say that confidently because I also belong at Grace Baptist Church. I have a past. I have struggles. And while my past and struggles may not be the same as your past and struggles, we can embrace and love one another because we each simply come before God broken.
And God restoresĀ us.
God forgives us. God gives us hope. God heals us so that we can live a new life in Jesus Christ, because of Jesus Christ, and for Jesus Christ.
We want that for you. We want you to know that no matter who you are or what you’ve done, we love you. And more importantly, God loves you.
And because God loves you, Jesus died on a cross for your sin. For your past. For your struggles. For your sin.
And God wants you to know Him, to grow in Him, and to live for Him. God offers you a wonderful plan for your life.
Will you embrace it?
If you don’t know how, or you’re just not ready yet, you’re also welcome at Grace Baptist Church.
We’re not a group of people who think we have it all together. We’re a group of people who know we don’t have it all together, and therefore need Jesus.
So we mean it when we say that all are welcome. You’re welcome for the same reason that I’m welcome. We need hope, renewal, and forgiveness.
AndĀ Jesus is the source of all of these, and so much more.