Sermon Series Preview: Why Worship?

Sermon Series Preview: Why Worship?

Why should we worship? And why should we worship the God of the Bible rather than anything else? Pastor Chris will explore these questions in his current sermon series, "Why Worship?" The messages will be an exegetical study of Psalm 117, the shortest chapter in the Bible. In a culture that is increasingly secular, we need to be absolutely clear as to why God alone is worthy of all praise. You can listen to this sermon series live on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am CT, and each sermon will be archived with past sermons on our website each Tuesday.continue reading →
Easter Schedule

Easter Schedule

Early Worship Service - 7:30 am Let's wake up and worship! Jesus rose from the grave, so we have a great reason to rise early from our beds as well. We'll sing a hymn or two and hear a brief message from Pastor Chris. Egg Hunt - 8:30 am The youth will hide the eggs following the early service. All children in the 6th grade and under are welcome to hunt for plastic eggs, which are filled with wrapped candy. Breakfast - 9 am Following the Egg Hunt, we'll eat breakfast made by…continue reading →
Senior Adult Breakfast

Senior Adult Breakfast

Our next monthly Senior Adult Breakfast will be on April 15, 2014. Breakfast will be at 9 am. We haven't set an a specific age for those welcome to come, just that you will proudly call yourself a senior adult! We will enjoy eating, singing a few hymns, prayer, and a brief devotion from Pastor Chris. This is a great way to enjoy a bit of fellowship and lift one another and each others' families up in prayer.continue reading →