Announcements for 4/18
POWR Group Meeting
“Prayer Of Weight Reduction” support group is hosted at Pastor Chris & Abby’s home each Tuesday night from 6:30-7:30pm. This support offers a private weigh-in as well as suggesting helpful healthy food topics each week. It is FREE and open to anyone that desires help in loosing weight.
VBS 2010
June 13-17th 6:00 to 8:45pm (Parents are asked to join the end session at 8:30pm to pick up their “ranch hands”.) Open to all community kids going in to Kindergarten through 6th Grade
Associational VBS Clinic
The Rehoboth Baptist Association will be having its annual VBS Clinic to share ideas and literature helps on Monday, April 19th at Brownstown FBC from 7-9pm. There will be conferences for each area rotation as well as decoration ideas to see. If you are interested in carpooling to this meeting, let Nancy Hill know.
Monthly Breakfast
Next Sunday, April 25th will be our monthly Sunday School Breakfast morning. Don’t forget to join us early at 9am with something to share for the fellowship breakfast prior to Sunday School. Also be sure to invite your neighbors and friends to join us in this tasty “belly filler” that comes with spiritual fulfillment in study!