Announcements for 3/7
Bridge the Gap Fundraiser
Don’t forget the Ministerial Alliance’s project to gather funds for the Nokomis Community Closet. If you would like to contribute, just give your donation to Susie Michael who is collecting from our church. Checks can be made out to the Nokomis Community Closet directly.
Observation of Lord’s Supper
We will be observing the Lord’s Supper during this morning’s worship service as traditionally done at the beginning of each quarter throughout the year. Our church conducts open observation of this special communion, meaning you do not have to be a member of the church to partake in it, but you should have personally accepted Christ as your savior.
——-Updated Announcement made verbally: —–
This has been postponed until NEXT Sunday (March 14th)
Weight Loss Support Group
A support group has been formed and is open to anyone (male or female) that desires help in loosing/maintaining their weight. It is FREE and will be much like other groups with a private weigh-in as well as the sharing of helpful healthy food choices. It will be hosted for now at Pastor Chris & Abby’s home each Tuesday night from 6:30-7:30pm. If you have any questions, feel free to talk to Abby!