Announcements for 1/31
Ministerial Alliance Dinner
The Ministerial Alliance’s “Bridge the Gap” project this year is a fundraiser to gather a donation for the Community Closet in hopes of helping with additional remodeling of the building. Those individuals interested in participating attend the dinner at which they give out envelopes to collect donations from those they know, as well as contribute themselves. The envelopes are then collected by the pastors. This year’s dinner will be held on Friday, February 5th at the St. Louis Parish Center at 6pm. Please notice the date change due to a conflicting ball game scheduled. Talk to Pastor Chris for more information.
2010 VBS Planned
Vacation Bible School for 2010 has been set for June 13-17 with the Family Night on Friday, June 18th. VBS will be held from 6:00 to 8:45pm each night for kids in Preschool thru those going into 6th grade (after this school year). The theme is a western setting in which kids will “Round up Questions and Drive Home Answers.” Please let Nancy Hill know if you have questions or want to help!
Super Bowl Fellowship
Our annual Super Bowl Fellowship this year will again be held at Ed & Susie Michael’s home on February 7th beginning at game kickoff (around 5pm). All are welcome to bring some finger food treats to share and join in this special time of fellowship. There will be NO EVENING SERVICE held at the church that Sunday night.
Church Development
There will be a Church Development Conference held at Ramsey FBC on Thursday, February 11th from 6-9 pm. Please RSVP at (618) 283-0842 by Feb. 4th if you plan to attend the dinner at 6pm. Otherwise, you may join at 7pm for the meeting. Helpful classes will be given in which each person can choose to attend two throughout the evening including topics of discipleship, children’s ministry and teaching methods.